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First home-cooked meal!

Ten days after our arrival in Tokyo, our kitchen is finally suitable enough to cook in. We are still waiting for a few items from Amazon Japan, so no apartment pictures just yet.

This was a fairly simple meal. Cod filets simmered in konbu tsuyu (kelp based noodle broth) and reduced sodium miso. It was supposed to be dashi stock and miso, but I winged it with tsuyu instead. Oh well, it still turned out pretty good, though a tiny bit salty due to the tsuyu being more strongly flavored than dashi. Tasted like bare-bone Vietnamese cá kho (simmered and caramelized fish), only with Japanese ingredients and no other garnishings ^.^ I imagine it would taste even closer to its Vietnamese counterpart if I were to sprinkle in some ground pepper, chopped chile peppers, ginger, and scallions.

Here's my recipe for Dashi Miso Simmered Fish.

- White fish (cod, halibut, mackerel, etc.), 4 small filets: cod was good, but I would imagine halibut would have been better. I don't like mackerels so much.

- Dashi stock, 1 cup
- Miso, red or white will work, 2 Tablespoons

- In pan, heat dashi and miso together until well blended. Bring to a boil.
- Lower heat, add fish filets and simmer until sauce thickens and caramelized.

That's it! I told you it was bare bone :D

The colorful plate is store-bought pickled vegetables, clockwise from lower right:
- Green is pickled cucumber (does not taste anything like American pickles, by the way)
- Korean style pickled soy bean sprouts
- Kimchee (can't not have kimchee now, can we?), red with all the chili peppers
- Yellow is daikon pickled with konbu
- White is pickled nappa cabbage, no different than white kimchee

The pinkish red stuff in the bowl is mentaiko, or marinated pollock roe, the spicy variety because I like my food spicy. The soup is just miso soup with wakame (seaweed) and fried tofu.

In all, the meal looks small but was filling. We packed a lunch for hubby and still had enough to eat our fill. Had green tea mochi with anko inside and dango for dessert.

Oh yes, and that bag of rice is still waiting for its rice container :)

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