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Brazil's Silva shakes up power structure in Brazil

Andy Cruz
   The Latin American giant Brazil may get their first African-American president as Mariana Silva has jumped in the pols and many are predicting she will be to be next president of Brazil. Her

election would break up the old power structure in  Brazil that has long excluded the black majority from holding power and taking part in the economy.The  election victory of her party and candidacy would be the culmination of a year of mass protests from everything to corruption to poor infrastructure in the large country whose economy has faltered for some time. The rise of Marina and other left-wing candidates in Latin America is a direst result of backlash against the policies of neo-liberal economic policies that have spread poverty and inequality everywhere in the world. This woman bravely left the workers party as it achieved power and has been running the country for the past twelve years. Incumbent  president Dilma Rousseff has been dropping in the polls has citizens get fed up with massive stagnation and rising inflation making life much more difficult in recent years. This is a woman that started out as a Marxist but later became an evangelical unfortunately and how her politics will have her flip flopping on issues is not known yet. What we do know is incumbent president Dilma Rousseff may very well go down into defeat against this former maid and perhaps other countries will follow and not only give millionaires ability to become presidents of countries. Latin America is a region where people have known for centuries that the upper crests of society do not have the best interests of citizens as a whole. Ms Silva is also an extreme environmentalist and through her work with man others we still have an Amazon forest today. This is a country whose political process needs major reform and a woman like her just may do it and shake the system .Unfortunately she appears to be flip flopping on some cultural iisues and her religion may make it more difficult for this country to move on some social issues of equality but since the mysterois death of a presidential candidate in a airplane accident she has jumped up in the polls and likely to be the next president.

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