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Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook pay homage and happy at newly minted Chinese for life premier pie face XI Juinping

Zachary Zuckerberg
   Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook quickly met with Chinese authoritarian Mr Pi Xi fresh off his recent Communist Party declaration that anointed him premier leader for life. The increasing neurotic and eccentric behavior of the Chinese leader and the willingness of American tech giants along with those in fiance to pay homage to this increasingly power hungry tyrant is alarming. My brother Mark Zuckerberg and Apple CEO Tim Cook were the first foreigners to meet with Chinese president Xi after his recent coup and increased power in China and there is some push back against these two creeps for their willingness to kowtow to this authoritarian dictator in China.
One can wonder who exactly Apple and Facebook works for gathering all this private intelligence eon everyday Americans and China is slowly gaining access to every Americans living room thanks to my brothers company and the Apple IPhone technology. The Chines syndrome and obsession of muy brother in serving his Chinese masters has gotten worse through the years and Mark I believe d has become a member of the Chinese communist party and he thinks himself as a red Chinese. The admiration Americas tech giants pay to China is alarming and twisted as clearly these two guys would be more loyal to orders from president XI than anything the America president or public can demand from Apple or Facebook's leadership. Sometimes I wonder if brother Mark and Tim Cook would grease up their rectums and gently bend down and be prepared if president Xi Jinping demanded their ass on a silver platter.  President Xi recently told people only a one party state can lead the world and China's goals is to expand this knowledge and spread its power throughout the world in controlling it in the upcoming decades and with the help of the likes of Tim Cook and my brother Mark Zuckerberg, I believe the newly minted Chinese premier bad ass for life will accomplish this as the West seems to have lost its backbone. With all of their focus on Russia the West and America has long ignored and help cultivate Chinese tyranny and undemocratic nature to spawn like a eight headed hydra dragon.

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