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Toyotathon Woman That’s a wrap


Toyotathon Woman That’s a wrap

The Toyotathon woman was pretty annoying at times. It was not really clear if this was intentional or not, but she could be very annoying. The concept of these sorts of commercials was annoying to begin with. Who would buy a car for Christmas and do it because a commercial told them to? There was evidence that the commercials were somewhat self-aware due to some of the shrugs and knowing looks that she gave to the camera. She tried in vain to be funny, but usually failed miserably.

The commercials were doing well, but not great, so the company decided to make them even more comedic. The company also had gotten some comments about how annoying the Toyotathon woman was and how people would have loved to see her get her comeuppance.

They decided to produce a comedic commercial. The concept was very simple. The Toyotathon woman would read her line, “Come to Toyotathon today.” She would then have something funny happen to her. They would then be edited together.

The commercial started with her speaking. She then uttered the line that she was famous for, “Come to Toyotathon today.” She was then shot in close up. After she said the line, a creamy pie came out of nowhere and smashed her in the face. She looked shocked as the pie tin fell from her face, leaving the crust and pie to drip from her face.

The commercial then cut to her being clean again and uttering the same line again. This time a plethora of red slime poured down on her from above. She looked up as it poured down over her, covering her face and body completely in the slimy mess.

The commercial then cut away again. She said the line again and was then smashed with creamy cakes on either side of her face. The nest one, someone sprayed her with what looked like whipped cream or foam. It may have been something similar to a fire extinguisher. She was covered from head to toe in the cream.

The next time she uttered the line, she was sprayed with ketchup and mustard all over. She waved her hands and closed her eyes. She tried to give as little a reaction as she could. That would make the commercial more funny.

The next portion saw her sprayed with super soakers filled with green slime. It sprayed all over her body and into her face. She threw her hands up. The part after that saw her covered in silly string and foam.

After all of this was over, there was one final part of the commercial left. She was still covered in some of the mess. She then told everyone to come to Toyotathon for Christmas. In an instant she was suddenly covered in tinsel, wrapping paper and lights. She had a bow on the top of her head. She was wrapped up like a present. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled awkwardly into the camera saying, “That’s a wrap.”

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