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Time goes so fast when you're having fun! Hard to believe, but it's INDIANA JONES birthday this year-celebrating 30 years of the superb RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. In celebration, every week or so we'll be putting up a classic image from the pioneering action adventure film-its cast, characters and breathtaking stunts.... so enjoy!

First up is the classic poster art in the UK by famous film poster illustrator Amsel, who brilliantly captures Harrison Ford at his best as Indy! The image was also used on the cover of the original UK paperback adaptation, too.

American RAIDERS fans look out for the special screening of a new digitally restored print by OSCARS.ORG on Friday June 17th at 7.30pm with a guest talk from Frank Marshall, Ben Burtt and others...  Here's the link:"Raiders of the Lost Ark" 30th Anniversary Screening | Events Presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

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