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Quickies: A Speculation On Supremacy And Insurrection

     Imagine the following scenario:

     President Trump, aghast at California’s declaration of itself as a sanctuary for illegal aliens, orders massive ICE raids throughout the state. Thousands of ICE agents pour into California and begin to seek out known concentrations of illegals, who are then promptly deported to their countries of origin. These agents gather information from American citizens willing to cooperate, and from others willing to sell information about concentrations of illegals for cash. Within a week thousands of illegals have been arrested and deported.

     The state government is incensed, It orders California law enforcement authorities to obstruct the ICE agents at work on the catch-and-deport effort. At first the obstruction is non-violent, but after a while California LEOs begin to make use of force and threats of force.

     Would that qualify as an insurrection under the Constitution? If so, what do you think the federal response would be – or should be? If not, what more would have to happen to qualify it as one?

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